Slimming Green Tea Gift
Slimming Green Tea Gift

Slimming Green Tea Gift

Easy and Hassle-Free!

We offer convenient, free return options with no shipping charges. Simply ensure that your return complies with our return policy.

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  1. Go to your orders and initiate the return process.

  2. Select your preferred free shipping option.

  3. Drop it off and you're done!

$0.00 $0.00 (SAVE $0) OFF

A Clinically Proven blend that maximizes weight loss, and boost metabolism. With ike Senna Leaf for reduced bloating, Pineapple Diced for improved digestion, Orange Peel to boost metabolism, and Licorice Root to alleviate constipation, our blend delivers tangible results.

4 payments of $0.00 by or

Once your order is dispatched the estimated delivery time is 3-7 business days for the US. International delivery varies per market, estimated delivery time can range from 7 to 24 business days from the time of placing the order, depending on the region.

We stand by the quality of our products and back every order with a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, contact us for support.


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